Lynnette, Author
Lynnette Kraft loves a good story—real or imaginary, inspiring or hilarious. She uses her own stories to entertain, to illustrate lessons, and to celebrate individuality, crediting God as the giver of all inspiration. When she’s not writing (or telling) stories, she’s likely chewing on herbs and wild plants, doing yoga in the sunshine, admiring pieces of nature, reading something light, or watching movies and playing games with her family. When she’s doing regular stuff, like cooking dinner and sorting laundry, she’s also dreaming about living on the beach, because she’s a sensible dreamer.

Abigail, Illustrator
Abigail Kraft is forever nine years old, believes in magic, and likes to draw pictures. She has decided, a childish spirit is her favorite avenue to creativity, so she fills her days with music, family, giggles, daydreams, and animated movies. Then (in true, childish fashion) she cries, grumbles, and sighs her way through unpleasant work, and shows her mom as soon as she’s made something she’s proud of. Most of all, she loves her Creator, who gave her a super fun life and promises her eternity in the most funnest place of all.

Jared, Composer
Jared Kraft is a composer for film and media. His passion for music began with experience through listening, moved to expression through piano and eventually arrived at creation through composition. He finds his purpose and inspiration in his perfect Savior, his loving wife, and his wonderful family, and will always value the timeless phenomenon in which organized noise is translated into a universal language.